(Apr. 29, 2000)

[variety] "Training of Creativity" (Kimie SHINOZAKI)

Here is a little exercise you can try at home.
Tackle this quiz if you have some extra time to measure how creative you are.

Quiz: Pass the 9 dots (3 x 3) by 4 and 3 straight lines with the pen remaining on paper.

       4 lines         3 lines

      ● ● ●      ● ● ●
      ● ● ●      ● ● ●
      ● ● ●      ● ● ●

* Creativity: producing new and original ideas

Are you creative in your daily life ?
In what areas are you most creative ?
Where and when do the good ideas come to you ?

I want you to discuss your creativity and join the training to be more creative.

* Rate your creativity by answering the following questions and counting your points.

Always :5 points/ sometimes: 3 points/ rarely : 1 point/ not at all: 0
1. Are you a curious person ?
2. Are you a chance maker?
3. Are you a strategist?
4. Are you a challenger?
5. Do you observe a situation?
6. Do you have the talent for dramatization?
7. Are you courageous enough to take a risk?
8. Is your intuition good?
9. Do you have a talent of simplifying?
10. Are you good at campaigning your idea?
11. Are you a prophet?
12. Do you have rich information?
13. Is your original idea supported by your coworkers and subordinates?
14. Do you have good interpersonal skills?
15. Are you a futurist?
16. Do you think you have good creativity?

41-48 points: great creativity
36-40 points: enough creativity
30-35 points: so-so at creativity
under 29 points: you have a very good chance of improving creativity at my practice.

Please come to this ESS and let's have fun together !
