PRACTICE (April 20, 2002)

[Quiz] "Can you show the way." (Nakanishi)

If you ask one hundred people the reason why they want to learn English conversation, this answer must be in the top ten of them.

‘In the case a foreign traveler asks me the way.’

As long as you are living in or passing through this famous City, you will have several chances to show stray travelers how to get the place.
It's easy if they ask you like this,‘KIYOMIZU TERA WA DOKO DESUKA.’
On the contrary, when they ask you the place with a very limited clue, can you find the right place? Do you have enough knowledge to get it?
Check it at the next practice.

{For example}

You happened to get acquainted with an American at a cafe.

You; What do you do?
A ; Well, to tell the truth, I was a staff of the Department of Defense.
You; Really, the Pentagon's staff!
A ; Exactly.
That ghastly tragedy last year has changed my life.
At that moment, I was working inside of the building.
I was safe, but I had lost a lot of friends.
You; I'm sorry to hear that.
A ; It's OK, I've got PTSD, and quit the job.
Then, I started to look around the world.
But I can't get rid of the Pentagon, so I've alwas been looking for,uh,kind of pentagons, you know.
You; Where have you been so far?
A ; Various places.
Last week, I visited the pentagonal castle in Hokkaido.
You; Yeah, I know. We call it‘Goryokaku.’
A ; And I've heard there is something related with a pentagon in Kyoto. Do you know the place?
You; Of course, it is (     ).

  PTSD: post traumatic stress disorder(後遺障害)

Question; Where is the place you should tell him?
