PRACTICE (July 20, 2002)

[Game] "Draw pictures!!!" (Yamao)

Drawing is simply fun, isn't it ?
Today, recall the time when you were in your childhood and forget yourself in drawing pictures.

1. What picture is it?

First, each of you will be assigned a theme for your picture. Draw the picture in five minutes. When you have finished, show your picture to the other members of your group. If other members can answer what picture it is at once, you can get five points. You can also give them clues to the answer, but you will lose one point per one clue.

If you have no idea about the theme you are assigned, try to draw the picture with your imagination. You can also ask other members to help you with your theme. In that case, you will get one point when you complete the picture.

2. A portrait.

You are all involved in a criminal case. You will have the picture card on which material evidence of that case is depicted. Each of you will play a role of witness and others will play the role of police officers in turn. You should describe the material evidence ONLY by words so that the police officers, themselves, can make a copy of the portraits according to your instruction.

All you are allowed to tell police officers is the shape and the size of the material. DO NOT tell them what the material evidence exactly is. Police officers should make portraits according to the witness and guess at what it is.
