PRACTICE (May 25, 2002)

[Discussion] "Popularity of amusement park" (Takahashi)

USJ (Universal Studio Japan) has been opened in Osaka since 2001, and is very popular,especially for young people. The number of visitors is more than expected.
It makes big infuluence on other amusement parks and on other industry. As you know, Takarazuka Family Land and Portpia Land will be closed next year because of the decrease of visitors. Almost all local amusement parks are in the red, but TDL (Tokyo Disney Land) has been gathering about twenty million people a year .

Tonight I want to discuss the popularity of amusement park. Why is it interesting ?
I prepare some documents from the Asahi, and from internet (articles last year, sorry I couldn't find recent ones).

1. Have you ever been to Takarazuka Family Land or Portpia Land ?
Please explain tne remenber of these . Are they interesting for you ? Why ?
2. Did you visit USJ or TDL? Are they pleasant for you ? Do you want to go there again ? Why ?
3. If you don't visit USJ or TDL, do you expect they are entertaining ?
4. What are the differences between the popular amusement parks and unpopular ones ?
5. Why do you think TDL is most popular in Japan ?
6. Do you expect USJ will gather more people than TDL ?
7. Have you ever been to other local amusement parks? Please explain the remember.
8. What do you think local amusement park should do to survive in future ?
