PRACTICE (November 23, 2002)

[game] "Vocabulary Contest: Who is the Vocabulary King ?" (Miyauchi)

Vocabulary Building You are going to have a vocaburay contest in tournament style.

I prepare some English passages for the first round to the final round.
In each round, the particpants read one of the passages. Then, one of the players of each bout points out an English word (or a pharase, idiom, abbreviation). Both of the players write the meaning of the word somewhere and show it each other.
The player who writes more appropiriate meaning for the context is to get one point.

For the next inning, the other player selects a word or phrase from the passage.
You play five innings for each round to determine the winner of the game.

I'm the judge. When there is an argument between the players, call me for the help. I decide which answer is more appropiriate.
