PRACTICE (September 14, 2002)

[Discussion] "English-Conception on Ally McBeal" (M.Takahashi)

Ally McBeal is one of the big famous TV programs, not only in the U.S. but also here in Japan, with a high rating.
The key themes of this program are mainly aimed at human relation, controvercial issue through court cases and romance in Richard Fisch's law business office.

Ally McBeal is a woman, a woker engaging at the office as an attorney, basically charged with sexual harrasment related cases.

Big fans of Ally McBeal would definitelly know the term, "McBealism", her impressive notion.

To have an opportunity of exchanging your opinion, some of witticisms by Ally McBeal are introduced, today.

The scheme for THIS PRACTICE follows according to this:

1)Division and union into four separate groups.

2)Read the witticisms and write how you feel of them.
ex. Do you agree with them, or not? Why?

3)Discuss on each witticisms based on your feelings,
ex. What do you think of these American-style opinions ?
ex. What is your philosophy in your mind, on your works, human relations and romance ?
