PRACTICE (September 21, 2002)

[Game? Discussion?] "Exercise in flexible thinking" (Sakurai)

We usually judge things happening around us by using value systems of ourselves or established general ideas.
For example, we say "it's good" or "it's bad" over an event that should be neutral originally. As a result, we feel glad or sad depending on the meaning which we gave to it.

This Practice is to interpret a phenomenon as being positive, that seems to be negative at first sight, by changing a viewpoint.
I don't think it is almighty, though at least it would be effective for mind health and happy life in some degree.

Let's try to do a play to change your thought, which tend to become negative, to be positive intentionally!

Sample Conversation of a father and a child.
"Dad, I have a bad news today."
"Oh, yeah? What's up ?"
"My beetle died this morning."
"Wow, is that right? ..... But I don't think it's a bad news. Because it is summer, right? "
"So ?"
"Every beetle dies at the end of summer. It is only natural, not unlucky. If anything, your beetle had been lucky, compared with others. Because it could eat much delicious food everyday. I guess it would thank you for your feeding and care."
"I see ..., I'll make its grave."
"Before that, why don't you draw a picture of it by watching carefully. Then, it will continue to live in your picture and will remain in our memories."
"Hum, okay, I'll try."
"Good boy, enjoy tomorrow. Good night !"
"Good night."
