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PRACTICE (May 1, 2004)

[ Discussion ]

"Japanese hostages in Iraq"  (by Mr Fujita)


  There have been hot debates about five young Japanese civilians taken hostage in Iraq. When they were finally released and returned to Japan, they had to face severe criticism from the public. They should not have traveled to Iraq against the government's warning. Since they went on their own responsibility, the hostages must pay for the cost of their rescue, etc.

  It is true that one needs to be well prepared for the risk involved in going to dangerous regions like Iraq. But it is also true that if nobody takes risks, the World will not get better. The history shows there are not a few incidents in which critical turning points hinge on heroic acts and self-sacrifices of individuals. It may not be wise to let government rule everything its people can do.

  Today, we will discuss the issue of recent hostage crisis in Iraq.

  Form your opinion about this problem. Are you for or against their acts ?

  I would also like you to discuss the more general theme on the responsibility of the State and the liberty of its people to take risky acts.

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