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PRACTICE (May 15, 2004)

[Poem making] "川柳(Japanese joke poem) Contest" (by Morimoto)

  Please make a lot of interesting joke poems in English. 
Before that you speak out your frustration toward anything. 
I make some themes to guide your group discussion. 
But it depends on your group. 
You can talk anything you want. 
After 8:30pm each group chooses at least 1 poem and less than 3 poems for presentation.

For example

UnforgettableDon't carein the bar.(気にかかる 酒の席での 気にするな)

I needtranslator not for pet for daughter.(ペットより 欲しい娘の 翻訳機)

Let's do itI can't keep in a day.(さあやるぞ 一日もたない この気持ち)

I hopewarming not for earth for home.(地球より 家庭に欲しい 温暖化


1.     Your boss and subordinate (上司・部下編)

2.     Your family(親子編)

3.     Your workplace(仕事場編)

4.     PC&Cell phone(パソコン&携帯電話編)

5.     Alcohol(酒編)

6.     Commuting(通勤・通学編)

7.     Popularity(流行編)

  First off your group chooses 1 theme and discloses your frustration. 
After that your group should make some interesting joke poems about it. 
Thank you.

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