
PRACTICE (July02, 2005)

Genre: Discussion
Title: "How can I improve my English?"

By Mr. Ueda

This should be a quite plain and easy topic 


since each and every member of NHK-ESS aspires to be a good English speaker.
I would like to conduct  the discussion in "theatrical" way, on the contrary to our conventional manner dividing into small groups where discussion is performed independently and there is no knowing what's going on with the other groups.
Dividing into 5 or 6 groups, two of the groups initially go forward to the "stage" and discuss this topic while other groups of our people sit on the floor as an "audience" listening to the discussion by "panelists on the stage."
After some time, I , as a MC, reshuffle and exchange the group on the stage and on the floor.
Thus we could share any precious suggestion, idea or insight to this issue.
Since this discussion is meant to be for the benefit of beginners, I ask experienced learners kindly advise them in how they can improve their English.
