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PRACTICE (March 12 , 2005)


"St. Patrick's Day"


On March 12, practice is about the day that needs five more days to go.

Known as the greenest day in year, March 17 is St. Patrick's Day. Though St. Patrick's Day is celebrated in places where population of Irish origin is large to almost none, many famous celebrations are observed in North America and since 1995 in Ireland. Thus it has become one of the famous holidays in English speaking world.

St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland, who Christianized pagan Ireland in 5th century. He died on March 17, 457. Since then, Irish have been celebrating the day of Patrick's death by drinking and feasting, but in Ireland it had remained a religious occasion.

With Irish emigration, St. Patrick's Day crossed the Atlantic. To remember their roots and ensure their unity with fellow immigrants and their homeland, Irish Americans paraded through the streets of New York first time in 1762. Now St. Patrick's Day parade in New York is the world's oldest civilian parade and the largest in the U.S.

In practice, I prepare topics relating to St. Patrick's Day, historical facts, amusing events, green river, green beer, green tea(green tea sounds very Japanese). No knowledge of St. Patrick's Day is required to talk on each topic. Just green-oriented mind suffices.

Adding St. Patrick's Day to your calendar may turn your diary a little greener. Maybe not...

Have a craic on St. Patrick's Day!
("craic" roughly means "fun relaxed time in Irish way" in Irish English)


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