
PRACTICE (May 28, 2005)

Genre: Game
Title: Debating Game

By Mr. Yoshimura

Each group members shall be divided into two teams, A&B.

The members of each team must share the same opinion, for instance, all A team
members agree with single motherhood while all B team members disagree
nevertheless each individual own opinion.
The members of A&B teams are changeable within a group when a group ends a
debating about one issue and starts next one.

Your opinion must be logical, persuasive, reasonable and not emotional.
When one of teams cannot answer anymore, the team loses the game and it is the
end of debating about the issue.
Then choose another issue and start again.

Since each group is supposed to make a brief presentation of one of issues
debated, select a presenter before ending all debating games.

Sample debating issues
@Single motherhood
@Frequent Job-hopping
@Mercy killing
Informing cancer
Banning on abortion
Removal of homeless tents from Osaka Castle
Putting on make-up in a train
Female presenter of Sumo-championship cup
Corporal punishment on school kids
Cutting all cedar trees for the benefit of people suffering from pollen allergy
Premarital sex
Moving capital from Tokyo to Kyoto

It is quite all right for groups to choose any other issues.
