Title:"New Year's Resolution "
« 2006年11月 | メイン | 2007年01月 »
Title:"New Year's Resolution "
Genre: Discussion
Title: What would you do when you were troubled over something?
Presenter: Mr. Yoshimura
Sometimes we are at a loss for not being able to make a proper judgment. Tonight we discuss what we will do when we are in trouble over something with reference to sample topics.
Firstly, choose a topic in the reference papers.
Secondly, read aloud each paragraph one by one alternately. Then confirm that all group members grasp the meaning of the content of the topic.
Thirdly, each individual shall express his or her opinions. Repeat the same procedures with the other topic.
Finally, after closing the discussion session at around 7:40, one of representative of each group shall make a brief introduction about the content of the discussion concerning one of topics in front of all members.
Title of Sample topics
● I am in love with my husbands best friend
● Anxious About Dealing with Bully Boss Again
● Boyfriend Not Nice to My Dog
● Cannot Deal With Girlfriend's Child
● Family Doesn't Approve of Mixed Race Relationship
● He Keeps Photos of Ex Who Died
● Start a Family at a Young Age?
● She Doesn't Care About Hygeine and Appearance
Genre: Quize
Title: Crossword puzzle
Presenter: Ms. Oka
Crossword puzzle Again!
I assume everybody knows how to solve the crossword puzzle. The key to the completion is cooperation.
Let's enjoy it! Don't forget to bring your dictionary.
Genre : Debate
Title : Web2.0
Presenter : Mr. Sugihara
Discription :
Have you ever written or commented on blog? Have you ever written book reviews on Amazon online store? Are you a member of social network service (SNS) such as mixi in Japan and MySpace in the U.S and socially-networking? Have you ever downloaded "free software" developed by unknowns?
Unknown masses are doing these things and they are changing the world dramatically. And somebody called this stage of World Wide Web (Web) as "Web2.0." YOU the individuals may take over the role of selected few such as star journalists or hierarchically structured software and contents companies. World is flattened with no regard to hierarchies, grass-roots and bottom-up creativeness surpassing those of professionals. Democracy has finally come, savvy? Or is "Web2.0" just a marketing word or an illusion?
In practice, nothing technical is a point, but talk on the social phenomenon that this so called "Web2.0" brings about.
Genre: Talk
Title: "The art of the museum"
Presenter: Mr. Zaitsu
At first, I will show the famous art picture of Vatican museum in Italy. After seeing the picture, you will pretend a conductor of museum. In your group, you will talk about the picture's historical story.
Let's talk and fan!!
Genre: Listening & Discussion
Title: “Did you buy US beef?”
Presenter: Mr. Y. Takahashi
As you know, BSE problem made Japan ban the import of US beef, but lifted the ban last summer. As the allowed amount of import seems small yet, it will be a rare case that you will find US beef in a supermarket. Tonight, I'd like to discuss BSE problem.
First of all, let's listen to VOA news on this problem. This was broadcasted about 2 years ago, but it is useful to understand US opinion. If it is too difficult to catch, I'll give you some hints.
Second, I'll give you a copy of a latest book, published last Dec. Please read it and find points of this problem.
Then, please discuss it as follows;
1. If you find or try US beef after the lift of the ban, please explain it.
2. Do you think US beef is safe? Why?
3. When you buy beef, do you care country or place where it was made?
4. Do you think Japanese will accept US beef again? WHY? How about you yourself?
5. Do you think Japan has stringent restrictions on beef imports as US says?
Last, please choose one representative for each group and explain your discussion on any points.(19:40~)