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2009年04月 アーカイブ



Mr.Nakamura presents,

Genre: Read & Talk Title: Newspaper articles in this month

1) First, you will be divided into several groups.
I'llgive each group some English newspaper articles.

2) Each person read one article. Then summarize them
infront of your group member.

3) After every group member finish summaizing,
talk aboutthem freely.

4) Finally, choose the most impressive article of
yourgroup, and make a briefpresentation in front of

That's all. Thank you.




Genre: Talk a lot

Title: Let’s speak English as much as possible.

Description: Just speak English a lot!
A chance to speak English may increase
if we make the size of the group as small
as possible.So I want all of you speak English
a lot pair by pair. If your partner is new for you,

why don't you introduce youeself to know each other?

If your partner is one of your long time friends,
please talk what you want to talk.



genre : talk

title : Illinoisdescription :

If you have ever played board game "Monopoly",
you may be familiar with "Illinois Avenue.
" But by Illinois, I mean the Midwestern U.S. state,
from which both Abraham Lincoln and Barack Obama
ran for U.S. Presidential race. Illinois may not be familiar
to you, but unknowingly Illinois may be affecting your
thinking and living. The U.S. President who delivered
Emancipation Proclamationto end slavery was from Illinois.
The first non-white U.S. President is from Illinois. Officially,
the oldest hamburger franchise McDonald's has been in Illinois,
which ushered in fast food lifestyle.
The fist graphical Web Browser was born in Illinois, which has
fundamentally changed and is changing our info-consuming
lifestyle. And in 2016, the summer Olympic games may be
played in Illinois city of Chicago, instead of in Tokyo, thus may
change our sleeping hours upside down in the summer of 2016.

Practice may ask you to read Illinois-related topics, to think
and talk on them. Know Illinois, talk Illinois, enjoy Illinois.





Description: Free talk about books.



Genre: Game

Title: Boggle Brainbusters

Description: Let's find out many words from letter boxes.



Title: Appreciation of Poetry


1.Each member recites an English poem, twice.

2.Members discuss the poem within the group.
(Regarding to the title, theme, opinion, , , , )

3.The same person recites the original Japanese poem.
With same procedure, members appreciate poems
as much as possible.



Genre: Group work on finding English words

Title: “CROSSWORD” of the fifty botanical words

Description: I've made the original crossword again.
 This one contains fifty botanical words.
 Basically, you need a lot of knowledge
        about the botanical field to fill the whole
        blank spaces. But don't worry, you've
been already equipped with an excellent
electronic dictionary which contains many
large books and also encyclopedias.
Please use the whole functions of your dictionary.
Those who reach to the perfect answers will
get a small giftas a token of my gratitude.
Don' t forget the electronic dictionary and the sense of humor.



Genre: debate.

You are divided into several groups.
Within each groups, members who sit on same side
of the table considered to have same opinion,
like agree or disagree, as to today's topics.
First please choose today's two topics and 3 judges
for each topics, judges should be changed at each topics.
Then please start debate within each groups. Please enjoy it!

Time table

Make groups and then choose two topics and judges
of each topics (3 person for each topics) within each groups.

Discussion on topic 1 and judgment

Discussion on topic 2 and judgment


1. Do you agree with "Saibanin" system.

2. Do you agree with the policy to allow casino in Japan

3. Do you agree with "Kyufu-kin"

4. Do you agree with \1000 free use of highway on weekend.

5. Something you want to discuss, If any



Genre: Talk

Title: Address Power

Recently, I found a unique website "Address Power".


This website can measure and quantify
convinience of your town.
So let's talk about your hometown.

1.How many points do you think your hometown gets?

2.Plese introduce good points of your hometown to
other members of your group, and persuade them
to feel like living in your hometown within 7 minutes.

3.Let's talk about the best town you want to live.

At the end of this practice, please announce
the most recommendable town in your group
to other ESS members.




I would like you to participate in talking on such subjects as shown below.
For example,

1) What is the purpose of your life?
2) What is your criterion of “quality of life”?
3) What is your criterion of “happiness”?
4) What do you think is the “happiness” of our offspring?
5) What is your favorite “life-style”?
6) What part of your life-styles, you think, is environmentally unconscious?
Can you improve it or not? If not, why?
7) How can you survive serious climate change, resource depletion,
prevalence of pandemic and etc. when they become real?
8) You may choose other topics similar to the above, if you think it better.

< How to Talk>
(1) Read the above description to understand the purpose of today’s practice.
Hopefully, you are prepared with materials (see below), and ready to start.
(2) Make groups each consisting of four (4) people.
(3) If you are not prepared with a material, choose one topic out of those shown above and take about 5 min to prepare how to present your talk and idea (5 min for this step, if necessary).
(4) One person is allotted 5-10 min for the presentation talk. You are recommended to use reference material(s) or its abstract as a text of your talk.
(5) Present and talk, discuss and comment, with full of ideas and wit to inspire interactive group communication (within 15 min for steps 4 through 5).
(6) Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each person.

・In advance to the day of class, it is highly recommended that everyone reads this practice announcement and prepare reference material(s).

・Prepare four (4) copies of the material (A4, 1-2 page(s)).
The material can be a passage from books, weekly magazines,
textbooks, or your original.
・Regardless of being a skilled or unskilled member, the material
preparation is recommended though it’s not a requisite for joining the practice.

I hope you take this easy and enjoy!


・「正義で地球は救えない」、池田 清彦・養老 孟司【著】、 新潮社 (2008/10/25)
・「エコロジーという洗脳―地球温暖化サギ・エコ利権を暴く12の真論 」、 副島 隆彦    
 SNS副島国家戦略研究所【著】、成甲書房 (2008/10/30)
・「環境問題はなぜウソがまかり通るのか〈3〉」、武田 邦彦【著】 洋泉社 (2008/10/17)
・「人類が消えた世界」、 原書名:THE WORLD WITHOUT US(Weisman,Alan)、 ワイズマン,アラン【著】〈Weisman,Alan〉 鬼澤 忍【訳】、 早川書房 (2008/05/15 )
・「もったいない」、 ワンガリ・マータイ【著】 マガジンハウス刊 (2005出版)
・「プランB 2.0、エコ・エコノミーをめざして」、 レスター・ブラウン【著】、ワールドウオッチ出版 (2006)
・「明日の環境と人間」、 川合真一郎・山本義和【著】、 化学同人 (1998)
・「ライフスタイルと環境」 (単行本)、  日本家政学会【編】、 朝倉書店 (1997) ・「バイオマス―誤解と希望 (シリーズ・地球と人間の環境を考える) 」(単行本) 、 奥 彬 【著】、日本評論社 (2005) などなど。



Genre: Debate(or more than discussion)
Title: Let's have a debate Description:

We would like to have debate with 4 people. So today,
one group will have 4(5) people.And then within the group
please do make A team and B team, each of which has two people.
I will give you topics and please discuss them and please get
the result which is better or more important.

I expect you to discuss and debate one topic for more than ten minutes.
And please make decisions within the group.
Discussion and debate is different, but I hope you will have a kind of debates.

The topics are below:

1, Dog or Cat
2, Smoking or Non-smoking
3, Meat or Vegetable
4, Communism or Capitalism
5, Fast or Slow life
6, Car or Train

Additional topics
1, Process or Result4, Hot or Cold3, Email or Letter 2, Emotional or Rational
A group should support the former position,
B group should support the latter position, even if your real is not A or B.
The purpose of this practice is below:・Training to think about the appropriate
reasons.Showing your opinions to the others.
Practice to become to be more open-minded (Japanese is regarded as a shy people by westerners.)
Through the debate or discussion, getting to know each other more.
Training abilities to persuade others.
If your real will is different, please regard it as, for example, your boss’s request



Genre: Talk

Title: What s new? 

Description: You are going to make a short speech to your group members.      You can choose any topic you want to talk about.     
For example---news in your daily life                  
your favorite book,music,dish,etc.                   your family,friend,coworker,etc.                   your hobby,dream,job,etc.  

Procedure:  1.Make some groups.    
          2.Write down what you are going to talk.(about 10min.)    
3.One of your group members makes his/her speech.    
4.Talk about the topic in your group freely.    
5.Step 2 and step 3 will be repeated.

Ⅰ hope you can enjoy this practice!



Genre: Talk

Title:The story of ○○

Description: Does anyone know TV Program “人志松本の○○な話 (The story of ○○)”?

I would like you to try to make the story of ○○ in English .
In other words, I would like to make the speech about some
themes in your group. It might be difficult a little, so I would
like you to prepare to make interesting stories before you come if possible.
I attach the URL of this program below, so refer to it.

Procedure on June 27th.

1. Divide the members into several groups.
2. Choose 2 themes you would like to tell or listen to, in your group.
3. Make your own stories (1 minute speech) about the following themes.
Unique or surprising or interesting stories are desirable as much as you can.  
Both your experience and information from others are OK.

4. Make a speech in your group (1 min. speech, 2min free talk about the topic.).
Choose the most interesting story about the theme in your group.
Repeat same procedure with the other theme.

5. Introduce the most interesting story to other groups.
Themes Choices
(1)The stories of your very favorite things (好きなものの話)
Explain why and how much you like it.

Ex. person, celebrityin history, hobbies, games sports, songs,
shops, animals, foods, any things
(2) The stories of the things you cannot forgive or irritating things
Criticize the any customs or happenings or anything in the worlds
or tell the irritating things or situation. 

Ex. 1 「承る」という漢字一文字で「うけたまわる」と5文字読ませるのは無理がある
2 視力の数字は小数で小さな数なのがわかりにくい。もっと大きい整数だとわかりやすい。
3 せみの成虫は寿命が短くかわいそうという教育があるがあれだけ大声で鳴いたら
    4 急いでいるときに狭い通路で歩くのが遅い人が2人並んで抜かせないと。
    5 家電ショップで「ポイント還元で実質○○円」の表記が許せない

(3)The stories when you ate the best dishes in you life(ヨダレが出る話)
   Explain when and where you ate it and how nice it was.

(4)Useful Stories (ためになる話) Explain any good information for other members.

人志松本の○○な話 broadcasted on Tuesday 23:00~23:30 8ch.

About 2009年04月

2009年04月にブログ「What's New at Kyoto NHK ESS?」に投稿されたすべてのエントリーです。新しい順に並んでいます。




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