Genre: Talk
Title:The story of ○○
Description: Does anyone know TV Program “人志松本の○○な話 (The story of ○○)”?
I would like you to try to make the story of ○○ in English .
In other words, I would like to make the speech about some
themes in your group. It might be difficult a little, so I would
like you to prepare to make interesting stories before you come if possible.
I attach the URL of this program below, so refer to it.
Procedure on June 27th.
1. Divide the members into several groups.
2. Choose 2 themes you would like to tell or listen to, in your group.
3. Make your own stories (1 minute speech) about the following themes.
Unique or surprising or interesting stories are desirable as much as you can.
Both your experience and information from others are OK.
4. Make a speech in your group (1 min. speech, 2min free talk about the topic.).
Choose the most interesting story about the theme in your group.
Repeat same procedure with the other theme.
5. Introduce the most interesting story to other groups.
Themes Choices
(1)The stories of your very favorite things (好きなものの話)
Explain why and how much you like it.
Ex. person, celebrityin history, hobbies, games sports, songs,
shops, animals, foods, any things
(2) The stories of the things you cannot forgive or irritating things
Criticize the any customs or happenings or anything in the worlds
or tell the irritating things or situation.
Ex. 1 「承る」という漢字一文字で「うけたまわる」と5文字読ませるのは無理がある
2 視力の数字は小数で小さな数なのがわかりにくい。もっと大きい整数だとわかりやすい。
3 せみの成虫は寿命が短くかわいそうという教育があるがあれだけ大声で鳴いたら
4 急いでいるときに狭い通路で歩くのが遅い人が2人並んで抜かせないと。
5 家電ショップで「ポイント還元で実質○○円」の表記が許せない
(3)The stories when you ate the best dishes in you life(ヨダレが出る話)
Explain when and where you ate it and how nice it was.
(4)Useful Stories (ためになる話) Explain any good information for other members.
人志松本の○○な話 broadcasted on Tuesday 23:00~23:30 8ch.