I would like you to participate in talking on such subjects as shown below.
For example,
1) What is the purpose of your life?
2) What is your criterion of “quality of life”?
3) What is your criterion of “happiness”?
4) What do you think is the “happiness” of our offspring?
5) What is your favorite “life-style”?
6) What part of your life-styles, you think, is environmentally unconscious?
Can you improve it or not? If not, why?
7) How can you survive serious climate change, resource depletion,
prevalence of pandemic and etc. when they become real?
8) You may choose other topics similar to the above, if you think it better.
< How to Talk>
(1) Read the above description to understand the purpose of today’s practice.
Hopefully, you are prepared with materials (see below), and ready to start.
(2) Make groups each consisting of four (4) people.
(3) If you are not prepared with a material, choose one topic out of those shown above and take about 5 min to prepare how to present your talk and idea (5 min for this step, if necessary).
(4) One person is allotted 5-10 min for the presentation talk. You are recommended to use reference material(s) or its abstract as a text of your talk.
(5) Present and talk, discuss and comment, with full of ideas and wit to inspire interactive group communication (within 15 min for steps 4 through 5).
(6) Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each person.
・In advance to the day of class, it is highly recommended that everyone reads this practice announcement and prepare reference material(s).
・Prepare four (4) copies of the material (A4, 1-2 page(s)).
The material can be a passage from books, weekly magazines,
textbooks, or your original.
・Regardless of being a skilled or unskilled member, the material
preparation is recommended though it’s not a requisite for joining the practice.
I hope you take this easy and enjoy!
・「正義で地球は救えない」、池田 清彦・養老 孟司【著】、 新潮社 (2008/10/25)
・「エコロジーという洗脳―地球温暖化サギ・エコ利権を暴く12の真論 」、 副島 隆彦
SNS副島国家戦略研究所【著】、成甲書房 (2008/10/30)
・「環境問題はなぜウソがまかり通るのか〈3〉」、武田 邦彦【著】 洋泉社 (2008/10/17)
・「人類が消えた世界」、 原書名:THE WORLD WITHOUT US(Weisman,Alan)、 ワイズマン,アラン【著】〈Weisman,Alan〉 鬼澤 忍【訳】、 早川書房 (2008/05/15 )
・「もったいない」、 ワンガリ・マータイ【著】 マガジンハウス刊 (2005出版)
・「プランB 2.0、エコ・エコノミーをめざして」、 レスター・ブラウン【著】、ワールドウオッチ出版 (2006)
・「明日の環境と人間」、 川合真一郎・山本義和【著】、 化学同人 (1998)
・「ライフスタイルと環境」 (単行本)、 日本家政学会【編】、 朝倉書店 (1997) ・「バイオマス―誤解と希望 (シリーズ・地球と人間の環境を考える) 」(単行本) 、 奥 彬 【著】、日本評論社 (2005) などなど。