« 9-19のプラクティス予告 | メイン | 2009-10-3のプラクティス予告 »


Presenter:Haruka Hasaba.
What Happens Next?

I will read a book halfway.
And then you will imagine what happens next.
Your story are not needed to be as same as the book.
Your creation may be beyond the original story!

1. Make some groups to have 5 - 6 members in each group.
2. I will read a picture book halfway.
3. Imagine what happens next by yourself.
4. Share each member's story in your group and make up one story!
Please imagine how the story goes and ends.

*Tips for creating one story
Choose one of the exciting stories and expand it.
Pull some fantastic parts from everyone and make them into one story.
Write down the story as you can read it.
If the story has some lines like a real picture book, it will be better!

5. Please tell your group's story in front of all the members.
6. Finally the original story will be shown!

I hope you will enjoy this practice!


2009年09月18日 21:58に投稿されたエントリーのページです。




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