Presenter: Mr. Inoue
Title: World Statistics
Genre: Conversation
Description :
Population,mountain,Various Genre.
What do you think of look World Statistics ?
« 2010年10月 | メイン | 2010年12月 »
Presenter: Mr. Inoue
Title: World Statistics
Genre: Conversation
Description :
Population,mountain,Various Genre.
What do you think of look World Statistics ?
Presenter: Ms. Iwasaki
Genre: Presentation&Listen
Title: Introduce your favorite song
1. I'd like to make some groups of 4-6members
2. I will give you a prepared sheet, and please write down 2points.(10min)
①Your favorite song and singer's name
②The reason or your own story&memory why you select this song.
*Please select only the song written by English, except instrumental
and other language songs.
3, Firstly, make his/her speech,and after finished speech,listen his/her
favorite song by using mobile music player.(each person have10min)
たいと考えております。ご自身で、持ち運んでも苦にならないmusic playerを
おもちでない方は、You Tubeの中にあればそれを利用してと考えてますので、
事前にその曲があるかをYou Tubeで見ておいて下さい。
当日、参加予定でiphoneをおもちのかたは当日You Tubeを閲覧するときに
4, Talk about this topic in your group freely,and I will collect entered sheets.
I hope you'll enjyoy this practice!