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Presenter: Mr. Yamamoto

Let's look back on the year 2010.

The situation around us is pushing up tensions, which we haven't experienced in the past few decades.
Economic crisis have already swept all over the world, and now East Asian region is going to be confronted with a serious security crisis.

Now, how do you summarize the recent situation around you ?
Today's practice is a kind of an annual event fur the last time of the year, which has somehow continued since a long time ago.

Pick up a couple of memorable events that have happened to you this year and also impressive news fur this year.

Themes for today,
1.How have you spent this year ?
Unforgettable events to you, your personal experiences in 2010.
2.How do you summarize the year 2010 ?
World affairs, recent social phenomena etc.

Enjoy talking about the last practice for the year for the benefit of better coming year 2011.

Kamsa hamnida(Thank you)


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