Dear, Kyoto NHK ESS member;
This is the announcement of the practice on April 28.
(1) Genre: Quiz and Presentation
(2) Title: Guess whose words and speeches
(3) Description:
Famous people left uncountable words and speeches. Some of them have been inherited to next generations.
Most of them imply creed or the way of thought of speakers.
In this practice, we guess which words or speeches were spoken by whom is either historical famous person or celebrity.
Here is procedure;
1. Make six groups
2. I hand out the paper containing twelve quotations from words and speeches spoken by celebrity in the world.
And, I also hand out list of names of well known people in any genre from entertainment to politics.
Please discuss which words or speeches were spoken by whom are listed in the paper.
3. After fifteen minutes pass after we start discussion, I also hand out another two sheets of papers listed words or speeches.
Words and speeches in these two papers were also spoken by same people whose words and speeches are listed in the first paper.
I number each word and speech on these three papers to be compatible.
The first one is the most difficult to guess whose words or speeches from the name list.
The second one is comparably easier to guess than the first one. The last one is the easiest to guess than former ones.
4. Around 18:05, I hand out another paper which only two answers are written among twelve quotations for each group.
The number of words or speeches and the names of persons who spoke the words or speech are written in this sheet.
Each group has different answers, because I listed different two speakers from twelve quotations for each group.
Members of each group explain about him or her on this sheet to members in other groups.
And, members in other groups answer who is he or she as well as the number of words or speeches.
We have twelve quotations, so that we can do two times rotation for each group.
For example;
Group1 ` He is an American.`
Another member says, `He is a musician and dancer.`
Another member says `He died a few years ago.`
Another member says `He is called the king of pop.`
Another member say `One of his million seller records is thriller.`
Someone in another group answer, `This is the number 6th word, and these words should have been spoken by Michael Jackson.`
I hope you enjoy this practice and feel useful one.
Seiichiro Iwai