« 2012-05-26 プクティス予告 | メイン | 2012年5月のニュースレター »

2012-06-02 プクティス予告

Hello there, ladies and gentlemen! (^.^)/
This is an announcement of the practice on June 2nd.

Presentater: Inoue Motomi

(1) Genre: Translation
(2) Title: “A Japanese folk belief”

(3) Description:

1. Make some groups.

2. I will hand out material of a Japanese folk belief.
I think we all should know about the belief. And you will know the reason why
 on the day. :)

3. Translate it in your group.
Maybe you should translate it in turns, but if you have another good idea, it
is OK to do in your way.

4. Present a part of your translation before all.

I hope you all enjoy the practice.

Cheers! (^^)/


2012年05月29日 08:39に投稿されたエントリーのページです。

ひとつ前の投稿は「2012-05-26 プクティス予告」です。



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