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2012年12月 アーカイブ


2012-12-8 プラクティス予告

Dear Kyoto ESS members

This is Masayma, writing. an announcement for the practice on Dec 8th.

Genre; Planning (discussion) & Presentation
Title: Let’s make the BCPs (Business Continuity Plans)

First of all, divide all of you into 6 groups as usual.

You are working for a manufacturing company.
You are all executives.There are going to be some serious situations
by which your company/factory may be damaged.
Now you are in need of updating the BCPs against the serious situations.
I’ll give you some fictitious and serious situations below which you have
to handle them well when they occur.
And I’ll also show you an example of the BCPs against a serious situation.
Please, make the BCPs more than 4 plans in each case.
I expect a representative in each group makes a presentation of the BCPs
only on a case in the last 15 minutes. The case # of your group presentation
will follow the number of your group.
Please, make the BCPs with the same case # as the number of your group
at first.

Case #X : Bird-flu
The situation: Bird-flu is spreading in some part of Japan.
Only 5% of workers are reporting to take time off from their work.
So far, there has only been a slight decrease of 3% in production.
What can you do to avoid a big damage?

The BCPs :
①To give out facemasks to all employees to prevent infection
②To provide free vaccines to all employees and their families.
③To purchase thermometer sensors to check health conditions of workers.

Case #1 : Cyber attack
The situation: Cyber attacks have been spreading all places in Japan.
This is a new threat! The data in your company/factory might be attacked.
The analysis in your company/factory has determined that a cyber attack
is a serious risk . What can you do to avoid a big damage?

The BCPs : ①②③④⑤and more plans if possible.

Case #2 : Typhoon
The situation: A typhoon of the lowest pressure in this year is
approaching your company/factory.
The electricity supply might be down and there is no prospect for
The emergency power (electricity) supply system has not been installed
in your company/factory yet.
Your communication network might be cut off and the data system
might be down. What can you do to avoid a big damage?

The BCPs : ①②③④⑤and more plans if possible.

Case #3 : Strike
The situation: There is probably going to be a big strike in your
company/factory in a week . Workers are possibly demanding a 20% pay raise.
They may be also demanding hiring more workers to reduce their overtime
work. Please, don’t make a lot of concession to workers.
What can you do to avoid a big damage?

The BCPs : ①②③④⑤and more plans if possible.

Case #4 : Earthquake
The situation: The Meteorological Agency reported yesterday
that there was a possibility of an earthquake stronger than M7 in a
week in the region where your company/factory was located.
The emergency power (electricity) supply system has been already installed
in your company/factory. Are there any measures to meet the situation?
What can you do to avoid a big damage?

The BCPs : ①②③④⑤and more plans if possible.

Case #5 : Flood
The situation: The Meteorological Agency reported yesterday
that it was going to be heavy rain on the day after tomorrow,
which should bring us about 100mm of precipitation an hour.
Your company/factory is located near by a big river.
Please, think about not only the continuous operation,
but also commuting of employees and other problems.
What can you do to avoid a big damage?

The BCPs : ①②③④⑤and more plans if possible.

Case #6 : Supply shortage
The situation: your company/factory is making some devices to attach
them into” i-phone 5”.
You need a lot of rare metals. And you are importing them from China.
But they are recently reducing the export of their products.
What can you do to avoid a big damage?

The BCPs : ①②③④⑤and more plans if possible.

I hope you'll make preparations enough for the practice and enjoy the
discussion making the plans.
Please, don’t forget your group presentation after the discussion.
Thank you for reading!


2012-12-15 プラクティス予告

ESS PRACTICE on December 15, Saturday

Practice owner : Y. Kotera
Genre : Free Talking
Title : Election and Japan's future
Descriptions: Group discussion on Japan's future through the 2012 Lower House election.


2012-12-22 プラクティス予告

Dear Kyoto ESS members,

Please be advised that the last ESS practice of 2012 will be held on December 22. For the special day, Mr. Keiichi Yamamoto well-prepares the practice and I would like to send out the announcement on behalf of him as follows. For those who are able to open the attached PDF file, more details are available with it since Yamamoto-san submitted as his original handwriting papers with a graphic on. I recommend you to refer it in advance for your further understanding.

Hope the entire participants can end this year with lots of wonderful memories and smiles through Yamamoto-san's practice which can be called one of "the annual events" of ESS.

Best Regards,



A: 自分自身が直接経験したこと
B: 直接には関係していないこと(世界・日本の出来事)

1. その評価を自分に与えた理由を説明してください。
2. 来年(2013年)評価を限りなく100点に近づけるにはどうすれば良いと思いますか。
3. この1年間で自分自身にとって最も価値のあったことや、感銘をうけたことを話してください。



2013-01-05 プラクティス予告

Hello! beloved Kyoto-ESS members,

I hope that you will enjoy not only new-year holidays but also the first practice in 2013.
I cannot serve real dinner, however, I would like to present the rich feeling of great restraint aboard.

role-playing game regarding communications between a waiter and guests in restaurant abroad.

The title;
”Welcome to Chinese restaurant in San Francisco”.

The game proceeded is the following,

1. After dividing all members into six sub-groups, I will give you a certain Chinese restaurant’s menu. Please look at the menu. If you have unknown words, do not hesitate to look at a dictionary.

2. Please decide your favorite dishes.
NOTE; you should choose AT LEAST one dish form each category in the menu.

3. Make a pair in the sub-group. Let’s role-play! One will be a waiter and another will be guest.
NOTE; A waiter has to recommend his favorites and a guest will be expected to ask the reasons of the waiter’s recommendation.

4. In each sub-group, discuss and decide the best order sets in the menu. Then the rep of each sub-group will make a presentation to all ESS members.

Be my guest!


About 2012年12月

2012年12月にブログ「What's New at Kyoto NHK ESS?」に投稿されたすべてのエントリーです。新しい順に並んでいます。




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