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2013年01月 アーカイブ


2013-01-19 プラクティス予告

The information of the practice on January 19, 2013

“Free Talk”
“Let’s develop your potential!!”.
1. All the members are divided into several groups.
2. Every member is required to draw some unique and funny invention. (20min.)
3. Each group is supposed to choose the best work of all the inventions in the group. (20min.)
4. Someone in the group will draw neatly in the thick paper.
5. Another should explain about that work.

M. Yamamoto


2013-01-26 プラクティス予告

Hi All,

This is an announcement for the practice of Jan 25.

Genre: Role playing
Title: Your recommendation

Purpose of this practice is to speak a lot of English in virtual daily conversation.

Suppose you have a lunch with a person from abroad who has started to live in Japan, and he/she asks your recommendation about something(food, sightseeing spot, etc.).
It's a good chance to speak English!


1. Make 3 or 4 people groups.
2. Choose one person who plays a role of a person from abroad.
3. Choose a topic of recommendation(I distribute a sheet with examples
4. Start conversation with a question by the "foreign person" about recommendation.
5. After 5-10 minutes of conversation, choose different person as a "foreign person" and go back to 3.

If you are "foreign person", please pretend to know very little about Japan and ask many things.

I would like you to enjoy this practice.

Best wishes,

Kazuyuki Sugimura


2013-02-02 プラクティス予告

Hi All,
This is an announcement of the practice on Feb 2.

1. Genre : Translation(Japanese to English) and Free talk
2. Title : Future problems about our aged society
3. Description :

Divide members to 6 groups
Each group willl try to translate 9 Japanese sentences to English (15min)
After that each group will discuss those of our future problems .

  Aged over 65 exceed more than ...
2 . 全国平均が45.1%なのに東京圏は77%である。(高齢化率が)
  The average ratio of Japan is 45.1 while Tokyo’s 77%
3. 高齢化率4割程度の自治体がずらりと並ぶ。
  There are many local governments..... population of aged people
  Far from the Tokyo metropolitan area ..... their own homes
5. 団塊ジュニア以後の世代は、親の時代とは違って 未婚 晩婚が進んだ。
  The generations after Dankai Jr. period ..... the unmarried or late married
6. 大三次ベビーブームは起こらなかった。
  The third baby booming .......
7. ますます若い世代にとって魅力のない街となる悪循環だ
  The youth ..... fades out her appeals ...... vicious spiral
8. 修繕もできず、老朽化した住宅に住み続けざるを得ないといった高齢者も増えるだろう
  Without renewal...... have to settle down the old residents
9. やがて東京郊外にゴーストタウンが出現するであろう。
  On the next stage ...... the outskirts of Tokyo would appear

T. Kuchinaka

About 2013年01月

2013年01月にブログ「What's New at Kyoto NHK ESS?」に投稿されたすべてのエントリーです。新しい順に並んでいます。




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