Hi All,
This is an announcement for the practice of Jan 25.
Genre: Role playing
Title: Your recommendation
Purpose of this practice is to speak a lot of English in virtual daily conversation.
Suppose you have a lunch with a person from abroad who has started to live in Japan, and he/she asks your recommendation about something(food, sightseeing spot, etc.).
It's a good chance to speak English!
1. Make 3 or 4 people groups.
2. Choose one person who plays a role of a person from abroad.
3. Choose a topic of recommendation(I distribute a sheet with examples
4. Start conversation with a question by the "foreign person" about recommendation.
5. After 5-10 minutes of conversation, choose different person as a "foreign person" and go back to 3.
If you are "foreign person", please pretend to know very little about Japan and ask many things.
I would like you to enjoy this practice.
Best wishes,
Kazuyuki Sugimura