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2013-3-09 プラクティス予告

Genre Talk
Title : Complete the sayings


Do you know the TV program [世界は言葉でできている] ?
It is a kind of game.
I chose some sayings of one great person.
But there are some blanks.
You try to fill in the those blanks.
Please make your original sayings !

Example :

Hunger is the best [ ].
(Hunger is the best spice. by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra)

example answer : sauce, agony, feeling, etc.

1. Make some groups.
2. Fill in the blanks by your self.
3. Present your answers and discuss them in each groups.
4. Each group present the best saying .

I hope you enjoy the practice .

Akiko Matsui


2013年03月04日 13:02に投稿されたエントリーのページです。

ひとつ前の投稿は「2013-3-02 プラクティス予告」です。

次の投稿は「2013-3-16 プラクティス予告」です。


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