Dear ESS members,
This is the announcement about the practice on 13th July.
Genre: Talk & discussion
Title: Let's translate the salaried workers' Senryuu into English !
1. Divide yourselves into several groups as usual.
2. Translate the latest top 10 titles of salaried workers' Senryuu into English by yourselves, first.(for 30 min),
which were published by Daiichi mutual life insurance Co.
3. Discuss about your works to make each of them better in your group, and chose only the best work for the presentation.
4. Repeat the operation above from the 2nd to the 10th title.(for 20 min) 5. Make presentation of the best works in your group..(for 10 min)
The latest top 10 titles are bellow.
1いい夫婦 今じゃどうでも いい夫婦
2電話口 「何様ですか?」と 聞く新人
3「辞めてやる!」 会社にいいね!と 返される
4風呂にいた ムカデ叩けば ツケマツゲ
5ダルビッシュ 一球だけで 我が月給
6スッピンで プールに入り 子が迷子
7人生に カーナビあれば 楽なのに
8すぐキレる 妻よ見習え LED
9ワイルドな 妻を持つ俺 女々しくて
10何かをね 忘れたことは 覚えてる
There are several examples which were already translated into English, which are called Senglish now.
I'll show you them bellow.
君がやれ 俺が 報告しとくから
You finish this work
I'll be too busy making
Our progress report
地球より 家庭に欲しい 温暖化
Rather than the globe
My family could use some
Overall warming
プロポーズ あの日にかえって ことわりたい
My proposal day
I'd seek a cancellation
If I could go back
『ゴハンよ』と 呼ばれていけば タマだった
"O.K., I'm coming."
I answer the dinner call
But it's for Tabby
It seems to me there are some tips to translate them better.
I'll tell you them at the beginning of the session.
I hope you enjoy the translation & discussion.
Kisei Masayama