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2014‐04‐12 プラクティス予告

Genre : discussion (or creation)
Title : “create a story”
Description :
*Make a group as usual.
1. about a central character ; age, gender, occupation, hobby. special skill, family members, and other features・・・
2. about his or her family members
3. about some important persons ; one of his or her friends, co-worker, boss, lover, witch, killer, etc.
4. genre and outline of the story ; mystery, horror, fantasy, old tale, love story, etc.
*discuss 1 – 4 in the group
5. each group member make an episode
6. join episodes together
7. finally, one person of each group presents the finished story briefly.

I hope you enjoy creating stories by yourself

Emi Hibino


2014年04月05日 20:53に投稿されたエントリーのページです。


次の投稿は「2014-04-19 プラクティス」です。


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