Genre: Talk
Title: Mysterious Matters
“Do you believe in the existence of the spiritual world?”
”Have you ever seen a ghost?”
There are lots of mysteries in our world.
I would like you to talk about something horror, psychic, paranormal around
1. Make several groups.
2. Exchange your comments in your group on each question below.
(1)Are you interested in fortunetelling, horoscope, the sixth sense,
intuition etc.?
Do you carry any lucky charms with you now and do they work for you?
Are you often concerned about superstitions(験を担ぐ)and the jinx?
(2) Have you ever visited the power spots or the mystery spots?
Have you experienced any psychic, paranormal phenomena?
(3)Have you ever seen a ghost or a psychic photo?
Do you believe in the existence of the Sprit and spiritual world?
(4)Talk freely about scary stories, unbelievable experience and horror
I hope you will enjoy it!
Motoko Tabata
担当 田畑さんご夫妻