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6月28日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members.

Let me introduce the practice planned on 6/28/2014.

Genre: talk
Title : Let’s enjoy “warp” ( time-travel ) !!
( Note : “warp” means traveling in the time-machine. )

Do you remember a movie called “ Back to the Future “ , “Terumae Romae” or TV drama “ Jin” ?
In this practice, you will warp in the future or warp back into the past in the time-machine.
Theoretically, you can’t warp back in the past. But in this practice, you can warp back with a couple of conditions.
1. Grandfather paradox is not allowed ( you can’t change you who you are today )
2. You can’t bring anything with you. Just meet and talk. If possible you can do anything to change the history.

Please talk about the following situations in your team ( ~ 6:20 )
1. What year in the future do you want to warp ? Why?
2. What do you see in the future? ( as much detail as possible )
3. What year/age/era do you want to warp back in the past? Why?
4. Who did you meet and what did you talk ?
5. What did you do to change the history? Then, what could be the new history you have changed?
( please continue as time permitted )

At the end of the talk, please pick out a couple of warp stories 1) In the past 2) In the future in your team and
introduce them to all. ( 6:20-6:40 )

Enjoy warp with your imaginative power !!

Isamu Mashima

担当 間嶋さん 


2014年06月21日 12:55に投稿されたエントリーのページです。

ひとつ前の投稿は「6月21日 プラクティス」です。

次の投稿は「7月5日 プラクティス」です。


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