Title:One minute speech No.3
This is my third time to carry out this type of practice.
Let’s train your reflex power in a talk.
Here is the process.
1. Make groups with 3 members in each.
2. Each group has 20 topics written on pieces of paper in a holder.
3. The first speaker draws one piece from the holder and speaks about the topic for one minute.
Then the second person speaks about the same topic.
Next, the third person follows.
4. The second person draws a new piece after all members finish speaking about the first topic.
Then start the second round.
5. The third person continues the same process.
You don’t need to think the topic seriously but need to speak smoothly about what you think of.
Please keep speaking as much as you can for a minute.
I expect you will be tired but hope you would enjoy this practice.
担当 平野さん