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10月4日 のプラクティス

This is the announcement about the practice on October 4th.
I am in charge of practice for the first time in ten years.
I am a little nervous but let`s enjoy it.

Genre: Small talk
Title: Current news topics

1. Make 6 groups.
2. I hand out cards on which recent news key words written.
3. Decide the order to draw a card.
4. First parson who draw a card talks about the news for 2minites.
5. Talk together about it for 5minites .
6. Second parson draw a card and talks in like wise.
7. Repeat from 4 to 6 until 18:25.
8. Select the best news of your group and announce it

Looking forward to seeing you at the temple.


担当 森本 直樹さん


2014年09月05日 21:52に投稿されたエントリーのページです。

ひとつ前の投稿は「9月27日 プラクティス」です。

次の投稿は「10月11日 プラクティス予定」です。


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