Genre: talk and discuss
Title : What's Japanese 「~道 (do) 」
Part1 Let's talk about 「~道」 with your group members. ( 20 mins )
Have you ever heard 武道(budo) or 武士道(bushido) ?
Why many foreigners have interests in 武道, such like 空手、剣道、合気道、and
茶道、華道、書道、as well ......
Why 武道 (柔道or剣道or相撲) has started as a compulsory subject for junior high schoolboy students.
Have you ever experienced 「~道」or Do you have any 「~道」 which you want to try in the future?
In Japan, there are also many life styles called 「~道」
for example, 野球道、ゴルフ道、ラーメン道、パチンコ道、麻雀道・・・・
Why many Japanese like this way to say !
What's the difference beteen "baseball" and 「野球道」 ?・・・・
Part2 Let's make up sentences what's your 「~道」 ! and tell group members what you wrote down.
Can you imagine what you want to tell foreigners about 「~道 」・・・ ( 35 mins )
I hope you will have interesting time in the Practice!
See you on Saturday.
Thank you,
Ryuichi Tanaka