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5月23日 プラクティス

Hello 京都NHK ESS members.

This is an announcement for the practice on May 23rd.
Title:Compare, pick and explain

In our daily life, we face a lot of situations we have to choose any one from among options.
From casual ones like which TV program to watch, what to have for lunch or where to go for お花見 to serious ones like which university to go, what career to choose or whether to quit the job or not.

I’d like you to choose either of the two topics and explain why you take that one for two minutes.

No more than or no less than two minute.

You don’t need to think the topic seriously but try to talk smoothly about what you think of.

Please keep talking as much as you can for two minutes.

I expect you will be tired but hope you would enjoy this practice.

Fujio Hirano


2015年05月16日 12:54に投稿されたエントリーのページです。

ひとつ前の投稿は「5月16日 プラクティス(追加)」です。

次の投稿は「5月30日 プラクティス」です。


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