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1月30日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto ESS members
This is an announcement for Practice on 30th, Jan. 2016

Genre: Game
Title: Scrabble(A kind of crossword game)

1. Make 4 members’ groups.
(I’ll hand out each group a set of the crossword game which has a grid-printed paper and alphabet letter tiles.)

2. Turn all the letter tiles face down at the side of the grid-printed paper and each member draws 7 pieces of the letter tiles at random and turn the letter tiles face up in front of each

3. Determine the first player in a group in any way. After the first player, play passes to the left. Thus, each player’s turn comes around clockwise.

4. The first player combines two or more of his/her letter tiles to form a word and place them at the center of the grid-printed paper explaining his/her word in other words, Of course, in English. After that, the player counts his/her points on the letter tiles and writes it down on another paper to record.

5.Any dictionaries or materials are available in the Practice. You can also ask questions to other players in a group such as “ Is this a word?”, “Is this a correct spelling?”, but do not ask a whole word. If you can’t find any word to place, you will be able to say “Pass” and get 0 point. I hope the whole Practice shall be managed by communications in English!

6 Two pieces of no letter tile are included in each set of the alphabet letter tiles. You can use them as any letter tiles when you get one of them or both, but you will get no point when you place it on the grid-printed paper as neither point is printed on the tile.

7 A player complete a turn by drawing as many new letter tiles as played, thus always has to keep seven letter tiles in front.

8. The next player repeats the same operation above, but has to place his/her word to touch another letter tile already placed on the grid-printed paper. All letters played in a turn must be placed in one row across or down.

9. When all the letter tiles are used up, the game will be over. Sum up points you’ve got in your plays. A winner will be the highest point earner in a group!

I hope you will enjoy this game!

K. Masayama


2016年01月27日 02:13に投稿されたエントリーのページです。

ひとつ前の投稿は「1月23日 プラクティス」です。

次の投稿は「2月6日 プラクティス」です。


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