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2月13日 プラクティス

Dear ESS members:
I kindly notify the ESS members of the following subjects:
1. Date: Saturday, 13 February at the ESS;
2. Genre: Sharing what we've learned;
3. Title: Getting new words at one's fingertips; and
4. Description: See below.
The practice entitled "Getting new words at one's fingertips" is constituted by:
1. To sum up what we’ve learned in each group by talking one on one for ten minutes.
Each male attendee is kindly asked to choose each female partner to have “one on one talk” within the respective groups, and so does each female attendee. Ten minutes are given for summing-up;
2. To list up at least 10 new words by yourself respectively including amazing words, idiomatic expressions and you name on your each textbook for ten minutes;
3. To write some scripts by making use of the listed words.
Each attendee is kindly requested to make some scripts by using the ten listed words for ten minutes;
4. To choose a partner and express own script each other for ten minutes; and
5. To choose a partner and sum up what each attendee has learned with a partner for ten minutes.
The chair is supposed to be taken by Izumi.
That concludes a practice entitled "Getting new words at one's fingertips".
Izumi Toki


2016年02月06日 07:37に投稿されたエントリーのページです。

ひとつ前の投稿は「2月6日 プラクティス」です。

次の投稿は「2月20日 プラクティス」です。


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