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2017年01月 アーカイブ


1月21日 プラクティス

1/21 lesson information
Kenji Tsuji  
1)Date  21.January 2017
2)Genre discussion
3)Theme The speeches of President Donald Trump 
A) What do you expect from Donald Trump as president in your Japanese position?
B) What do you expect to America or the rest of the world?
C) What are your thoughts on how the new presidency will play out in the next four years?
D) Do you think the first 100 days will go smoothly?
E) Will we be seeing a new Donald Trump?
F)How is he different from all the past presidents?
4)Please make 5 or 6 groups
And please discuss the theme


1月28日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

I am Yuji Tsukuda who is in charge of January 28th practice.
I am sorry for my late announcement.

January 28th


Negotiation between a student and a teacher regarding mid-terms paper grade


A student wrote a mid-terms paper with his heart and soul.
However the grade of the paper was C-.
The student and his teacher discuss the grade of the paper.
The student doesn't know the background why the teacher gave C-.
The teacher also doesn't know why the student poured his much energy into the paper.

1. Dividing you into 5,6tables as usual

2. In each tables, you are allocated to student team or teacher team

3. I hand out each teams each information sheets
(Student teams only receive student information sheet. Teacher teams receive only teacher information sheet.)

4. In each teams, making strategies.
(The student purpose is to get as high grade as possible. The teacher's purpose is to give fair grade)

5. Starting negotiation with the opposite team in you table.

6. After finishing the negotiation, exchanging each team's information and, if possible, presenting the result of the negotiation.

I hope you enjoy my practice.

Thank you for reading.
Best regards,

Yuji Tsukuda


2月4日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members

Please be informed of the practice held on Feb. 4th at Hitomachi.

1. Date: Feb.4th, 2017
2. Genre: Talking
3. Title: Advice Column

An advice column is traditionally presented in a newspaper, though it can be delivered through internet now.
A reader writes to adviser with a problem in the form of question and adviser provides answer.
It is interesting to know universal problems and good to learn evryday English, too.
I will provide some of example of Advice column for you to talk on them

4. Description
a)Please make 5-6 groups and select a leader/presenter in your group.
b)Read materials
c)Pick up columns that interest you and exchange thoughts if you were adviser.
d)In the last 10min,or so, show us some of your answer or tell us how you felt about them.

For your ref., I took material from the following column
and will post the material as soon as it is ready.

Yoshitsugu atsuta

About 2017年01月

2017年01月にブログ「What's New at Kyoto NHK ESS?」に投稿されたすべてのエントリーです。新しい順に並んでいます。




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