Dear ESS members, welcome to our party(TEIAI group.)
This is the letter of invitation to the Hell or the Heaven on Feb.18th,2017.
Title:Liar game
Please image,you all are in the casino on the ship( Espowar Ship :ESS.)
① No groups.
② I will hand out the token paper to each.
token paper:代用貨幣.ここではperica.
③ A:challenger B:Receipient
A has to find out B and propose to challenge to B.
B cannot refuse it.
④ Bet.(No limit.)
⑤ A writes T orU on the back of token paper.
T:True story U:Untrue story
⑥ A talks about T story or U story in English.
⑦ B hits on Lor U.
⑧ The winner can get the bet.
⑨ Change.
This is the simple game.
The winner will go to the Heaven and get the big hands.
The loser will drop to the Hell and have the penalty.
Please enjoy.
Ref.:Commik book 「Kaiji」
Thanks. Makoto Kurusu