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2017年06月 アーカイブ


6月10日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Hi, everyone!
This is the chairperson of practice on June 10, Motoko Tabata.
I'm so happy to announce the practice for the second half activity on June 10.
Here is the contents of my practice.

1  Date: June 10, 2017
2  Genre: Discussion
3  Title: ”女子力”?”男子力”?
4  Description:
  Recently I often hear such expression like “女子力高い”
What is ”女子力“?
Cooking ability? kindness? thoughtfulness・・・?
Then how about “男子力“?
I’d like you to discuss”女子力”,”男子力” and gender equality in this practice.

  ☆ Make 5~6 groups.
☆First every member read through all the materials by yourself. 
And please write down 3 items of your image on “女子力”and ”男子力”and share your lists with your group members.
☆ Exchange your opinions in your group on each question below.

(1)What do you think of ”女子力”? Good meaning or bad meaning?
Have you ever heard of”男子力”?
And which type do you belong to a ”女子力高い” person , a ”男子力高い” person, or none of them?
(Just self judgement is enough. So please don’t take it seriously.)
And what are ”女子力低い”behavior and ”男子力低い”behavior for you?

(2) Do you agree or disagree so-called “lady’s day(レディースデー)”? And why?
And do you think the sham tears(女の涙) privilege of women?
Are women-only passenger cars acceptable to you?
It’s fair or unfair?

(3) According to the Global Gender Gap Report 2016, Japan slid to 111th ranking in the World Economic Forum gender equality rankings.
What do you think about this?

☆Introduce your group summary to the groups (from around 18:30).

Let’s have fun!!
M. Tabata


6月17日 プラクティス

Dear ESS members

This is the announcement of the practice on June17th.
The title is Word Construction and Letter Building.

The practice will be carried out as follows.

You will be divided into some groups as usual according to the number of participants on the day.
You will compete with other groups by forming as many words as possible using given letters within 5minuits for each sheet and those words created will be counted after the game.

While you are discussing within the group, use only English and you can use your dictionary for word construction but not for letter building.

I hope you enjoy the game.

Kumiko Takesue


6月24日 プラクティス

Hi, everyone.

Here is the announcement for the practice on the June 24th.

[Genre] impromptu speech(即興スピーチ)

[Subject] things what we use or see in our daily life, such as stationaries, household appliances, parts of a house and so on (ex: socks, ball-point-pen, microwave, bag, ceiling).

[How to] 1 I want you to be divided into 4 or 5 groups as usual.
    2 I will hand out a pack of cards to each group.
    3 In your group, put those cards upside down.
   4 Decide the persons, who would do first, and who would be a timekeeper.
   5 The first one take one from those cards.
    6 The timekeeper time 30 seconds and the first speaker constructs a rough story within 30 seconds .
.   7 Then the timekeeper calls “ Start “ and he or she starts their speech.
Make sure to use simple expressions and short sentences to be understood by everyone,
If you feel difficulty, you can speech looking at the [Hints] .
  8 The speech would finish within one minute to two minutes.
The speaker can stop talking when 1 minute passes, and can check the time when he or she wants to finish .
 9 When the time passes 2minutes and still the speech is continuing, the timekeeper must say , “ Finish”.
  10 The audience can ask questions to the speaker if they want to.
  11 When the first one finishes, do the same thing from the 5 in clockwise until 20:10.
  12 When you want to change these rules, you can do as you like.

[Hints] You can talk about the history or your attachment for some specific one, or your opinion on general ones . Here are some hints to make your speech .
1 What does that remind you of?
   2 How many those things do you have ?
   3 What kind of that is your favorite one ?
   4 Do you have some memories about that ?
   5 Do you have any opinion about that ?
   6 How long have you being using that ?
   7 Do you want to use that from now and then, and why ?
   8 Do you want to buy a new one, and why ?
These are only hints . You don’t have to try to answer them. You can tell anything about that . I wish you can enjoy the speaker’s opinion , idea ,or memories about the thing .

Megumi Iwai


7月1日 プラクティス

Dear mebers of the Kyoto ESS members.

I am Akira Hashimoto from the Kyoto ESS. I will be in charge of practice on next week, so I would like to make an announcement for what I am planning to do.

Since this is the first day of the summer season (month), I would like you to discuss about what do you want to do for this summer.

Date: 1st of July, 2017
Genre: Talk
Title: What do you want to achieve in this summer?

At first, members will be divided to 5-6 groups depending on the number of attendant.
Then, people in the groups will share what they want to do during this summer (holidays).
What you are planning to do can be anything, from personal matters to the business/academical matters.
For example, where you want to make a visit, who you want to meet, what event you want to attend, etc.
Please feel free to exchange your thought.

Best regards,

Akira Hashimoto

About 2017年06月

2017年06月にブログ「What's New at Kyoto NHK ESS?」に投稿されたすべてのエントリーです。新しい順に並んでいます。




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