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2017年07月 アーカイブ


7月8日 プラクティス

The practice on July 8th is as follows;

2017.7.8 (Sat.)
Made by Matsumoto Ryuhei

Translation Training(J→E)

✓ Make five (A, B, C, D, E) groups.

[Part 1] 30min.(10min. for translation, and 20 min. for presentation of the 5 jobs)
✓ Each group translates some different Japanese sentences on the following five themes into English as a group work.
1)Buddhist images(如来、菩薩、明王)
2)martial arts(空手、剣道、柔道)
3)something to do with a shrine(破魔矢、手水舎、絵馬)
5)Japanese architecture(合掌造り、寝殿造り、書院造り)

✓ Each group will show its translation work from 1) to 5).

[Part 2] 15min., when time allows
✓ Representatives from the five groups will move to the front, and pick up a piece of paper(only in Japanese) from ① to ⑤.

✓ They make an impromptu translation from Japanese into English in the numerical order.

✓ Evaluated by the other participants randomly.

✓ Repeat the above process three times at most.

From Matsumoto


7月15日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK-ESS member
This is the information about the practice on July 15.
Genre: Talk & Discussion
Title: School Days & Education

These days I have some chances to meet my old friends. They remind me of my school days. You have some memories of school days, don’t you? You have some opinions about education, don’t you? Let’s talk and discuss about those.

[Step. 0]
Make some groups and make pairs in each group. If you don’t have partner, please find a partner in other group. If there is no partner in all groups, I will become your partner.

[Step. 1] (30〜40 minutes)
I will give you a topic to be related to school or education. Please ask a question about the topic each other for about 8 minutes. I’m a timekeeper. About 8 minutes later, I will request to change your partner and give you another topics again. Please start conversation again and repeat like this style.
I’ll choose topics below
Subjects (English Japanese Science Mathematics Art Favorite subject ・・・ )
Teacher(Male/Female teacher Kind teacher Strict teacher Charming teacher ・・・)
Examination(Entrance exam Regular exam Cheating ・・・)
Event(School trip School festival Sports festival Graduation ceremony ・・・)
Friend(Boy friend Girl friend Good friend Bad company ・・・)

[Step. 2] (20〜30 minutes)
Please gather in each group.
Please answer the following questions one by one and discuss about each opinion.
Q1. These days some companies introduce an internship program. Is it useful for students? Why/Why not?
Q2. The number of student studying abroad is decreasing. Should the Japanese students positively try to study abroad? Why/Why not?

Hirokazu Sakai


7月 22日 プラクティス

I hope this text message finds you well.

What we are going to do is :

Appreciate Literature

1) Japanese poems

2) English poems



7月29日 プラクティス

1, discussion and description

2, I will give you a lot of topics such as sports ,seasons,food,family and so on.

3, discuss and describe each topics in your own way.


About 2017年07月

2017年07月にブログ「What's New at Kyoto NHK ESS?」に投稿されたすべてのエントリーです。新しい順に並んでいます。




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