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11月 18日 プラクティス

Hello, Ecc members,

I'm Tamaki Murase. Long time no see. How are you? ……I'm fine, thank you. Yes, this is the announcement of the practice on Nov. 18.

I thought about the idea of the practice, but I could'nt come up with a good idea. But one idea poped up on my mind when I was taking a shower last night. So, I decided to stick to that idea, which is 「Love Letter Reading」.

Genre: performance

How to do:
① make several groups.

②a sheet of paper is provided to each.

Write a short love letter. Imagine that you are in love with someone passionately. It may be easier to think of a particular person such as your favorite actor or singer or anime character or wife or boyfriend or whoever. The length of the letter is within 2 minutes when you read it.

③Read your letter emotionally in the group.(You are an actor or actress !)

④ Select the representatives(a male & a female) in each group.

⑤Make random pairs among the representatives.

⑥A pair stand face to face each other making a performance of love letter reading one by one. (You can change the words adopting the person in front of you.)

⑦The audience decides which reading is more passionate and touching.

⑧Finally, the audience select the best performer of love letter reading.

I think it will be fun.

「世紀のラブレター」by Kumiko Kakehashi is a reference book.

See you then.


2017年11月14日 11:00に投稿されたエントリーのページです。

ひとつ前の投稿は「11月11日 プラクティス」です。

次の投稿は「11月25日 プラクティス」です。


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