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Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Hello, here is the announcement for the practice on April 14th.
(1) Genre: Game
(2) Title: “Who is a liar” game
(3) Description:

This is the game you try to guess who is telling a lie in the opposing team.
The process is as follows.

1. Make 3 or 4 member groups.

2. Prepare the quiz
  Each team chooses one topic.
Each member prepares to give a quiz about the topic your team chose.
Decide one person who tells a lie. The other people will tell truth.
Maybe it is easy for the liar to change slightly from the true story.
Funny or tricky quiz is desirable.

3.Each group (Group A) make pairs with another group (B group) . (A vs B, C vs. D・・・)

4.Start the Quiz. A group goes first.
 Each member of A group speaks about each story of the topics in order.
 (Only 1 person tells a lie).
 *Speaking time for each person is around 1 minute.
 *The person who tells a lie, try to deceive the other group.

5.Question time
 Each member of B group can ask only one question in order to find out who the liar is.
Members of A will answer the questions, but don’t tell too direct answer.

6.Answering time
 B group members guess who a liar is.

7.Tell the right answer (who told a lie).

8. Change turns. This time B group gives a quiz and A group answers it.

9.Repeat with other topics.

<TOPICS examples>

* How did you spend last weekend?
* The best present you have ever received?
* Mischief you had ever done (including in childhood.)
* Have you ever told a big or funny lie to someone? What was it like?
* Your (or your friend’s) strange experience you have ever had.
* Embarrassing story.
* Favorite food?
* Favorite TV program.
* The most strange food you have ever had? (ex. Worm, insects)
* No experience (ex. I have never been to ・・・)
* The most impressive place you have ever been to?
* The most famous person you’ve ever met?
* Important factor to learn English
*The dangers you have passed in your life.
*The things you are thinking a lot recently
*The techniques of saving money
*The plan of your next summer vacation
*Favorite movies
*Failure story
*Heroic episode(武勇伝)
*What if you have more money than one will ever use?
・・・You can make any other topics

I hope you will enjoy that.
Thank you for reading.

Akihiro Tabata


2018年04月07日 21:07に投稿されたエントリーのページです。

ひとつ前の投稿は「4月7日 プラクティス」です。



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