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2018年11月 アーカイブ



Dear Kyoto NHK-ESS member

This is the information about the practice on November 3.

1. Genre: Talk & Discussion

2. Title: Talking about the present situation

3. Description

[Step. 0]
Make some groups and make pairs in each group. If you don’t have partner, please find a partner in other group. If there is no partner in all groups, I will become your partner.

[Step. 1] 1 minute to speak (5〜10min)
This is a 1 minute to speak. You talk about a topic for 1 minute. Your partner just listen. After your talking, exchange a speaker. I’m a timekeeper. I choose topics below.
English, Japanese, Mountain, River

[Step. 2] Free conversation (35〜45 minutes)
Please gather in each group.
Please introduce yourself quickly and talk about your present situation one by one.
You can continue talking and discussion. You can talk about any topics. If you don’t have any topics,
you can use my topics that is “How to learn English?”

[Step. 3] Dialogue (10〜15 minutes)
I distribute a number card. One person having your same number is your partner.
Let’s talk freely each other.

Hirokazu Sakai



Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members.

Hello, here is the announcement for the practice on November 17th.

I’m sorry for late annnouncement.

(1) Genre: Talk
(2) Title: “52 small changes for the Mind”
(3) Description:

1. Making some groups

2. I distribute the sheets which the list about “52 small customs” are written on.

3. Read the list and check on what you would like to try , or you have already done.

Ex. Keep diary , Laugh as often as possible, Thank for small things,
Spend money on experiences than things、Don’t compare with others ,
Don’t blame yourself ・・・・

4. Share the check list in your group and discuss.

5. If you have another unique custom or your routine or what you keep in mind to do,
tell other members in your group.

6. The presentative of each group will tell other group members
what you talked about in each group.
 Don’t be too serious and just enjoy it.

A. Tabata


“1週間に1つずつ。毎日の暮らしが輝く52の習慣” 著者:ブレット・ブルーメンソール


“52 Small Changes for the Mind : Improve Memory * Minimize Stress * Increase Productivity * Boost Happiness” ”



Dear ESS member,

Let me introduce the contents of the practice scheduled
for November 24th

Recently, we have seen the lesser known place became
the fastest growing destination for tourism, thanks to
the SNS. Let’s focus on such a place.

【Brief Explanation of Procedure】

17:40: Make some groups.

(Section 1)
Until 17:55: I will give you some quiz about a little-known but good
place in Japan.

(Section 2)
Until 18:25: Talk about a little-known place of your recommendation
in each group. There are no specific procedures or guidelines
that I need you to follow. Any place is fine either in Japan
or abroad. Famous sightseeing place can also be acceptable.

18:25: One member of each group make a short presentation.

Have enjoy!
Natsuko Mori


🍁Kyoto NHK ESS レポートNo.6🍁



10月6日 富久田さん
「Domestic trip」

10月13日 スタッフ
「Talk & Discussion」
この時間はしっかり自分のこと、話せます。そして聴くことも。春夏秋冬、あなたの ”いとをかし” ことは・・

10月20日 岡さん
「News of receiving an award」

10月27日 田中さん
「Get the inbound tourists」
海外からの観光客数ワースト4は島根、高知、福井、岩手だそうです。これら4県の観光課職員になりきって各テーブルからのプレゼン。「ようこそ 〜県!」

11月3日 スタッフ
「 Talk & Discussion」
① 運動や食事よりも ”読書”
② 子どもと暮らさず 、アクティブに ”一人暮らし” これホント⁈

11月10〜11日 ESS 合宿

11月17日 田畑 (夫) さん
「52 small changes for the Mind」
”他人との比較はむなしく満たされない気持ちを生むことが多い。周りに影響されることなく、自分が心から望むことを一番に考える” ですよね〜 、これ52の習慣のたった1つ!

11月24日 森さん
「Let's focus on lesser known places for tourism」
亀岡に歴史ある出雲大神宮。 出雲の祭祀の謎は奥深い・・

" a jurney of a thousand miles begins with a single step "
「 千里の道も一歩から 」


2018年度 スタッフ一同

About 2018年11月

2018年11月にブログ「What's New at Kyoto NHK ESS?」に投稿されたすべてのエントリーです。新しい順に並んでいます。




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