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2019年01月 アーカイブ



Dear Kyoto NHK-ESS member
This is the information about the practice on January 5.

1. Genre: Talk & Discussion
2. Title: Talking about the present situation
3. Description

[Step. 0]
Make some groups and make pairs in each group. If you don’t have partner, please find a partner in other group. If there is no partner in all groups, I will become your partner.

[Step. 1] 1 minute to speak (5〜10min)
This is a 1 minute to speak. You talk about a topic for 1 minute. Your partner just listen. After your talking, exchange a speaker. I’m a timekeeper. I choose topics below.
National Holiday, Sunday, Personal Computer, Mobile phone

[Step. 2] Free conversation (35〜45 minutes)
Please gather in each group.
Please introduce yourself quickly and talk about your present situation one by one.
You can continue talking and discussion. You can talk about any topics. If you don’t have any topics,
you can use my topics that is “New Year’s Day or New Year’s Party”

[Step. 3] Dialogue (10〜15 minutes)
I distribute a number card. One person having your same number is your partner.
Let’s talk freely each other.

Hirokazu Sakai



Here is the announcement for the practice on January 19.

[Genre] impromptu speech(即興スピーチ)

[Subject] things what we use or see in our daily life, such asstationaries, household appliances, parts of a house and so on(ex: socks, ball-point-pen, microwave, bag, ceiling).

[How to]
① I want you to be divided into 4 or 5 groups as usual.
② I will hand out a pack of cards to each group.
③ In your group, put those cards upside down.
④Decide the persons, who would do first, and who would be a timekeeper.
⑤ The first one take one from those cards.
⑥ The timekeeper time 30 seconds and the first speaker constructs a rough story within 30 seconds.
⑦Then the timekeeper calls “ Start “ and he or she starts their speech.
Make sure to use simple expressions and short sentences to be understood by everyone,
If you feel difficulty, you can speech looking at the [Hints] .
⑧ The speech would finish within one minute to two minutes.
The speaker can stop talking when 1 minute passes, and can check the time when he or
she wants to finish .
⑨ When the time passes 2minutes and still the speech is continuing, the timekeeper must say , "finish "
⑩ The audience can ask questions to the speaker if they want to.

[Hints] You can talk about the history or your attachment for some specific one, or your opinion on general ones . Here are some hints to make your speech .

♦︎ What does that remind you of?
♦︎ How many those things do you have ?
♦︎ What kind of that is your favorite one ?
♦︎ Do you have some memories about that ?
♦︎ Do you have any opinion about that ?
♦︎ How long have you being using that ?
♦︎ Do you want to use that from now and then, and why ?
♦︎ Do you want to buy a new one, and why ?

   These are only hints . You don’t have to try to answer them. You can tell anything about that .
    I wish you can enjoy the speaker’s opinion , idea ,or memories about the thing .

ESS スタッフ



Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members.

Hello, this is Motoko Tabata.
Let me introduce the contents of the practice scheduled on January 26th.

1. Genre: Variety
2. Title: “Welcome to your egogram!”
Egogram is a psychological test which serves as a self-awareness tool.
It’s like the mirror of your personality.
There is no “good” or “bad” for Egogram.
So please just relax and try to check your personality.
3. Description:
(1) Make 4~5 groups
(2)【self check】(17:40~18:00)

I will distribute a self-check sheet and give you 20minutes.
Please give spontaneous answers to the questions.
There are no “right” answers, so rather let your inner voice lead you.
Relay on your first impression and try to be honest with yourself.

3.【group talk】(18:00~18:40)

Please share your result in your group. And exchange your opinions in your group on each question below.

Ex. How was the result of your self-analysis about yourself?
What is the strength of your personality?
And what is your weak point?
What part of your personality do you want to change?

Let’s have fun!


☃Kyoto NHK ESS レポートNo.7☃


コタツに入って、ちょいと昨年にタイムトリップ! 12月, 1月の後半プラクティスレポートです。

12月1日 スタッフ
「Talk & Discussion」
向かいあって話すと、だんだん見えてきたあなたの世界。Bike vs Car, Science vs Literature ! う〜ん、深い〜〜

12月8日 スタッフ
「 20 Questions」
20の質問で相手の思いついた単語を当てられるか⁉︎ 少ない質問で当てたら高ポイントGet! 意外と難しかった〜

12月15日 室田さん
「Let's guide a foreign tourists to your favorite places」
時空を超越した、アナログでスローな空気。自分でも気づかない興味に出会う素晴らしい本屋「恵文社」 一乗寺のオススメです!

12月22日 スタッフ
「The best of something this year」

1月5日 スタッフ
「Talk and Discussion」

1月12日 新年会

1月19日 スタッフ
「impromptu speech」
各テーブルに分かれて、原子力発電、政治、食物、音楽、言語などについて即興スピーチです。人それぞれ切り口が違うものですね〜 ゴマすりはbrown nose なんですね〜 むむむ!

1月26日 田畑誉子さん
「welcome to your egogram!」



「Make hay while the sun shines! 」
太陽が照っているうちに干し草をつくれ! 「善は急げ!」


田中 隆一

About 2019年01月

2019年01月にブログ「What's New at Kyoto NHK ESS?」に投稿されたすべてのエントリーです。新しい順に並んでいます。




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