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2019年02月 アーカイブ



To all
In the practice on Feb 2nd, I'd like you to try some works of translation from Haruki Murakami's literature,using both original text and Jay Rubin's English version out of NHK radio program https://cgi2.nhk.or.jp/gogaku/english/yomu/ just like i did many years ago.
I will do it again with a different work whose original title is「四月のある晴れた朝に100パーセントの女の子に出会うことについて」

Date;Feb. 2nd
Venue;Hitomachi Kaikan
Content: Dictation & Translation

1.make groups
2.fill in some blanks after listening to the Murakami's text of ”On Seeing the 100% Perfect Girl One Beautiful April Morning ”
3.translate some parts of it
4.share each translation (&corrections or impression etc..) in your group
5.choose the best one & present it in front of everyone.

thanks for your corporation in advance.

This is off topic,but actually I was asked last year by previous staff Yuko san and already prepared another material using "the Second bakery attack" but when I think it twice,it was too strange story😂,so I chose one of the most enjoyable and universal novel & redid it. so please look forward to it unless you're a fan of Haruki. Miyazawa



Dear ESS members,
This is the information about the latter half practice on February 9th.

1 Genre: Talk
2 Description

Make pairs in each group. If you don’t have a partner, I will become your partner.
And talk based on the theme I’ll show you and keep the conversation until I say ‘stop talking and change your partners’. It would be 10 to 15 minutes for one theme.
Don’t forget to introduce yourself before starting and say `thank you’ at the end.

Megumi Iwai



Dear ESS members,

This is the information about the latter half practice on February 16th.
1 Genre: Talk
2 Details

ESS Practice: Talk More

Section1 Procedure (This is an example of 20 participants.)

1. Make a group which consists of 4 members, so we can have 5 groups,
A, B, C, D and E.
2. Put the next 7 cards face down after shuffling cards – SPORTS,
LANGUAGE, EDUCATION, SOCIAL ISSUE, ANY TOPIC- in the center of the table.
3. Every member in each group should have numbers,1, 2, 3 and 4.
4. No1 and No 2 make a pair and so do No 3 and No 4.
5. One member in each pair gets one card among the 7 cards and makes a
speech about it for 3
6. Next, the other member in the pair follows suit.
7. Then break pairs and each member should in turn make the same
speech that he/she gave in
the previous pair. But this time he/she can get just 2 minutes, so
should speak much faster and
while he/she is speaking, the previous listener will translate the
speech into Japanese.
8. Next, break the groups and make new ones which consist of the same
number of members, 1, 2,
3, 4 and 5.
9. The members of the new groups make a two-minute talk in turn about
what they most
impressively listened to.

Section2 Procedure

1. No groups. All the members make pairs.
2. One writes the name of a person, a place, an object, an animal,
etc. on a post-it note.
3. He/she puts the post-it note on the back of the other’s back.
4. The other can ask the one up to 20 questions which require only yes
or no answers to notice what is written on the post-
it note.

5. When the other gives a correct answer, each will change the role.
We do this twice, but in the second time we take a tournament system.
One or the other who
can answer faster will go up to the next stage. A person who remains
last is a winner.

Masahiro Yamamoto



Dear ESS members,
This is the information about the latter half practice on February 23rd.

1 Genre: Quiz
2 Description: Transfer acronym/initialism to its official name.

I am sure everyone knows "USA" means "the United States of America," in Japanese, アメリカ合衆国。How about "UAE" or "LOL?"

Reading or listening to American current news, you have come across some acronyms or initialisms. You know what some of them stand for, but for some others, you just partially remember their formal names. Let's try to figure out their official names in both English and Japanese. The answer of UAE is United Arab Emirates /アラブ首長国連邦 and LOL is Laugh(ing) out loud/大笑い

You find some questions easy, but there are difficult ones. So you might want to arrange your memories in advance to answer as many questions as you can because you won't be allowed to consult any dictionaries on that day.

Fujio Hirano


Kyoto NHK ESS レポートNo.8



2月2日 宮沢さん
「Haruki Murakami's literature」

2月9日 岩井恵さん
”what's new?” ”what you have to do in this months” ”bucket list” ”what you want to eat” などなど話しましたね〜〜

2月16日 スタッフ
「Talk More」

2月23日 平野さん
「Transfer acronym/ initialism to it's official name」
ではこれは? 米国からちょっと離れて。 GPS, BYOB, WADA, TGIF !


2018年度 スタッフ

田中 隆一

About 2019年02月

2019年02月にブログ「What's New at Kyoto NHK ESS?」に投稿されたすべてのエントリーです。新しい順に並んでいます。




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