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Dear ESS members,
This is the information about the latter half practice on February 23rd.

1 Genre: Quiz
2 Description: Transfer acronym/initialism to its official name.

I am sure everyone knows "USA" means "the United States of America," in Japanese, アメリカ合衆国。How about "UAE" or "LOL?"

Reading or listening to American current news, you have come across some acronyms or initialisms. You know what some of them stand for, but for some others, you just partially remember their formal names. Let's try to figure out their official names in both English and Japanese. The answer of UAE is United Arab Emirates /アラブ首長国連邦 and LOL is Laugh(ing) out loud/大笑い

You find some questions easy, but there are difficult ones. So you might want to arrange your memories in advance to answer as many questions as you can because you won't be allowed to consult any dictionaries on that day.

Fujio Hirano


2019年02月23日 21:00に投稿されたエントリーのページです。


次の投稿は「Kyoto NHK ESS レポートNo.8」です。


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