This is the announcement for the latter half of ESS practice on March 23rd, 2019 at Hitomachi.
2.Title:How to overcome starvation and excessive wealth gap
Since I made a speech on inequality at the English Round Table in 2017, I think it is also a good idea to share and develop the contents with ESS members.
4. Procedures.
1) Watch the 3 minutes YouTube video on poverty and giving, which would be displayed on the screen twice.
2)Make some groups with 3 members each. If one member is left, join group 1. If another member is left, join group 2.
3)Read the material for this practice titled “How to overcome starvation and excessive wealth gap” and the others on “basic income.”
4)Discuss whether “Perfect equality” is possible to actualize in your life.
5) Discuss whether there is excessive inequality today.
6) Discuss your own idea to minimize excessive inequality.
7) Discuss whether "tax on capital" or "AI" or “basic income” or the other counter measures can be an effective means to rectify excessive inequality.
8)If there is enough time, make a brief report on your group discussion to the rest of the members.
Thank you for your kind cooperation.