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2021年12月 アーカイブ


2021年12月11日 プラクティス

Dear ESS members,

I sincerely apologize for my belated announcement of the contents
and the relevant procedures for the practice on December 11th at “Hitomachi-

【Genre: Relax Presentation for Fun】
No groups will be needed. Let’s work on this all together.

-A scratch paper will be distributed for each person.
-Please write down your diary on the paper.
There are three sections in the paper,
Last week .
-You should begin your diary with the above three words.
-I will collect your diary
-I will read aloud your diary so that every one guess WHO’S
-The person who wrote the diary stand up and tell us more.

Have enjoy!
Natsuko Kado


2021年12月18日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members,

Long long time no see!

Here is an announcement of the practice planned on Dec.18th.     

(1) Genre: Group Talk

(2) Title: “Do you like your personality (性格)?”

(3) Description:

1. Make several groups

2. I distribute reference material about the personality.

3. Read the material and answer the following questions individually.

4. Share your answers in your group.

5. Talk about your personality freely.

0) What kind of person are you? Describe your personality.

1) Do you like your personality? Why?

2) What kind of time do you think the present character is good enough?

3) What kind of time do you hate the present personality?

4) Is there any failure story or funny story about your personality?

5) If you were to compare your personality to one Kanji character, what would it be?

6) If you could be born again, would you want to be the person with a completely different personality?

7) Do you think you can change your personality?

8)What kind of person do you get along well with? (As a partner, as a friend)

9) Do you think that the blood type is associated with character?

 hope you will enjoy that.

楽天的optimistic 内向的introverted 外交的 extrovert 優柔不断 indecisive 優しい gentle マイペースdo things at one’s own pace (他人に)気を遣うmindful of others, be considerate for 面倒くさがりlazy 細かいことを気にする care about detailed things 素直な、従順なobedient, submissive温厚mild 心が広い tolerant, broad-minded 厳しいstrict 繊細 delicate いじわる mean 保守的conservative 進歩的な、自由なprogressive 積極的なaggressive, positive 愛想が良いamiable 綺麗好きcleanly 好奇心旺盛curious 礼儀正しいpolite, courteous 謙遜、控えめなhumble, reserved 気楽なeasygoing, happy-go-lucky 情け深い sentimental無神経 insensitive, inconsiderate 神経質nervous がさつ boisterous 几帳面な Methodical 勇敢brave, courageous 内気、恥ずかしがり屋shy 熱心 eager ,keen 面白い funny 人情あふれる humane 我慢強いpatient 無邪気innocent 愛情深いaffectionate ふざけている playful口数が多いtalkative 協力的cooperative 気前が良いgenerous けちstingy

Note: During the practice, please take moderate social distance and enjoy talking!

Thank you.

By Akihiro Tabata from Ishikawa pref.


2021年12月25日 プラクティス

To dear ESS members

Here is an announcement about the practice for December 25th.

Theme; "Your favorite temple, shrine, and Japanese garden in Kyoto”

①Make some groups
②First, decide who will present the summary.
③Talk about the following Q1~5.

Q1. Please introduce & describe your favorite temple in Kyoto
Q2. 〃 shrine
Q3. 〃 Japanese garden

(If time allows )
Q4. Can you explain the difference between Buddhism and Shinto?
Q5. Can you tell the difference between some Buddhist sects?
(such as 臨済宗・曹洞宗・浄土真宗etc..)

④Summary sharing by a representative of each group.

Looking forward to hearing your favorite places.


2022年1月8日 プラクティス

Hi, there.

Here is the notification of the latter half activity on 2022-01-08.

Title: What is Your New Year's Resolution?
Genre: Presentation


What do you want to achieve in 2022? Maybe something big. Maybe
something small. Everything's fine!

Through this activity, every one of you will have an opportunity to
present your new year's resolution.

You have a few minutes (perhaps around three minutes) to go. And,
optionally, to make your presentation more attractive, you can bring
"things" with you. For example: photos, illustration boards, graphs,
books, musical instruments, you name it!

Please don't forget to prepare your manuscript (draft) in advance.
If you don't have one, it's perfectly OK. Improvise :-)


-- Masakazu YOSHIDA

About 2021年12月

2021年12月にブログ「What's New at Kyoto NHK ESS?」に投稿されたすべてのエントリーです。新しい順に並んでいます。




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