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2023年01月 アーカイブ


2023年1月14日 プラクティス


This is a notice for the second half of the practice on January 14,

Title: Review of 2022 and Goals for 2023
Genre: Presentation


What was the year 2022 like for you? And what would you like to
achieve in 2023?

In this practice, I would like you to summarize briefly the following
points and present them orally.

- What was good and bad in 2022
- Goals for 2023

You will have a few minutes to give your oral presentation. A question
and answer session, if any, will follow.

Note that at the beginning of the practice you will be given a short
time to prepare your presentation.

Live long and prosper!

Masakazu YOSHIDA



タイトル: 2022年の振り返りと2023年の目標ジャンル: プレゼンテーション



- 2022年の良かったこと、悪かったこと
- 2023年の目標




吉田 正和


2023年1月21日 プラクティス

Date: Jan. 21st
Title: Trash and Garbage
Genre: Discussion
When you step into a railway station, recently you can recognize some of the things are missing. Do you know what they are? Clocks, Hanging ads. in train, and Trash Can. Moreover, on some of the station trash cans, they inform you not to throw in garbage and trash delivered from your family (cf. attached photo).

There were lots of episode behind this information. In Keihan Hirakata Station one day, a station staff was surprised that frying pan from a family was thrown into the trash can of the station.

In Kyoto City, in 2011 666 trash cans were set up, but in 2021 only 297 cans existed, which means many trash cans were removed in sightseeing spots (cf. news below).


I hope you all to discuss this urgent city life matters with the agenda.
Thank you.
堀 薫夫(HORI Shigeo)


2023年1月28日 プラクティス

This is the announcement for the practice on Jan 28, "Staff Presents Monthly Practice".

Genre: Discussion
Title: January: Let’s describe and discuss each monthly topic!
Please make some groups having 4-5 members in each group. At first, please choose your own topic from the following list or create your own idea that has something to do with November. No overlap over the topics in your group, please.

List of Topics

new year’s card, hatsumoude, osechi-ryori, ozoni, karuta, Japanese zodiac, coming of age day, new year’s relolution, Great Hanshin earthquake, seven spring-herb rice porridge, Tokyo-Hakone intercollegiate long distance relay race, Martin Luther King Jr. Day,or Your Own Idea.

Part 1: Design and construction of your prompt speech for 5 min.
Part 2: Present your speech for 1 min.
Part 3: Share idea and opinion on the presented topic in the group for 10 min.
*Repeat Part 2 and Part 3 after the first speaker in your group finishes the practice.

Best regards,
Yuko Tanihara


2023年2月4日 プラクティス

Field: Lecture & Discussion

Topic: English as a means of communication. How it works and doesn’t.


1 What makes English(es) different from English?
2 How does communication work when it comes to the communication between people with low and high context languages in English(es)?

プラクティス(土岐 泉)

About 2023年01月

2023年01月にブログ「What's New at Kyoto NHK ESS?」に投稿されたすべてのエントリーです。新しい順に並んでいます。




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