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2024年02月 アーカイブ


2024年2月17日 プラクティス

Dear members
This is the information about the latter half of the practice on February 17th.

Genre: Brain Teasers (Quiz) & Letter Building

Form 3~4groups of four members(depending on the day’s number of participants)

For the brain teasers, find the answers to the problems by discussing them with other members.
(some old members might already know the answers because the Quiz in question contains ones that I used in the past. I count on their forgetfulness like mine.)
Use your brain muscles and enjoy laughing.

For the letter building, I will give you a sheet of paper with a direction, you will form as many words as you can within five minutes that start with the given letter.
Please avoid using the same prefix letters to score big points and you are not allowed to use dictionaries of any kind during the session.

The members of the winning group will get a little gift.
I hope you will enjoy this practice.

Kumiko Takesue


2024年2月24日 プラクティス

Genre : DIscussion
Title: February: Let’s describe and discuss each monthly topic!

Please make some groups having 4-5 members in each group.
At first, please choose your own topic from the following list or create your own idea that has something to do with February. No overlap over the topics in your group, please.

List of Topics
close of winter, Sapporo snow festival, snow igloo,Valentine’s day, Japanese plum, Japanese nightingale,water-drawing ceremony, national foundation day,Presidents’ Day (US), or Your Own Idea .
Part 1: Design and construction of your prompt speech for 5 min.
Part 2: Present your speech for 1 min.
Part 3: Share idea and opinion on the presented topic in the group for 10 min.
Repeat Part 2 and Part 3 after the first speaker in your group finishes the

ESS Staffs


2024年3月2日 プラクティス

Announcement is 3/2 latter practice

Topic: English etymology test (語源テスト)

The test style is "Raise your hand".

For example : "ad" は 語源は"〜の方へ",  
例えばadopt "opt"は選ぶ, 〜の方を選ぶで "採用する"という意味

Therefore, English words consist of etymology(語源).

If you know etymology, you can understand English words.



ではお寺で! M. Yoshikawa


2024年3月9日 プラクティス

Dear Kyoto NHK ESS members
Here is the announcement for the latter half of practice on March 9th, 2024. Everyone, please prepare for your own opinions.

Genre: Discussion
Topic: Seamless lifelong support system for pregnancy, education, job, health care, disabilities, and pension with no one left behind from the cradle to the grave.

1) Make some groups so each group would consist of three members. If two members were left, Minamihashi would join the group. If there are only two members for two groups, I would ask the leader to be an additional member for group one. Be your timekeeper within your group for each of you. Choose one of the issues below for your group immediately. It is up to you.
2) Write and prepare your speech on the issues, significant points, advantages, and disadvantages, impression, within five minutes.
3) Decide your group's order to present your speech.
4) Present your speech, opinion, and impression on the issues. The other member in your group should confirm and ask questions on the speaker’s opinion and impression.
5)Take turns to present your speech in your group. Try the other issue if you have time.
A) What is health? When do you feel healthy, and how do you keep your health in good condition?
B) What do you think are the factors causing health gaps or inequalities in health?
C) What do you think of the social security system in Japan compared with the other countries?
D) What would you say if the young generation requested total government support for the whole cost of marriage, raising kids, and education? Do you think taxpayers should pay more? Or do you expect Japan to decrease its population from 120 million in 2023 to 80 million or 60 million?
E) What do you think of seamless lifelong support with my number system, no one left behind?
F) What do you think of supporting the elderly and people with disabilities? Do you think taxpayers should pay more for the elderly and disabled people?
G) What do you think of ban request of description on personal attributes in resume besides one’s skill necessary for applying job?
H) Do you think Japanese Government should prohibit compulsory retirement age and offer elderlies the choice to get pension, medical care, reskilling, reeducation, or keep working even after 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, or 90, if preferred?
I) What do you think of Japan's financial debt? Is MMT dependable for finance in Japan?
J) What would you say if PM Fumio Kishida asked you to present your opinion for 3 minutes?


About 2024年02月

2024年02月にブログ「What's New at Kyoto NHK ESS?」に投稿されたすべてのエントリーです。新しい順に並んでいます。




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