Genre : DIscussion
Title: February: Let’s describe and discuss each monthly topic!
Please make some groups having 4-5 members in each group.
At first, please choose your own topic from the following list or create your own idea that has something to do with February. No overlap over the topics in your group, please.
List of Topics
close of winter, Sapporo snow festival, snow igloo,Valentine’s day, Japanese plum, Japanese nightingale,water-drawing ceremony, national foundation day,Presidents’ Day (US), or Your Own Idea .
Part 1: Design and construction of your prompt speech for 5 min.
Part 2: Present your speech for 1 min.
Part 3: Share idea and opinion on the presented topic in the group for 10 min.
Repeat Part 2 and Part 3 after the first speaker in your group finishes the
ESS Staffs