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2024年8月10日 プラクティス

堀 薫夫です。

Date: Aug. 10th
Title: Customer Harassment
Genre: Discussion
Procedure: Make some groups, and discuss this topic using agenda of discussion. Finally, one of the group members will summarize the result of the discussion.
Description: There exist lots of harassments; sexual harassment, power harassment, etc. One of the recent social problems is Cus-Hara or Customer Harassment, namely unreasonable claim from the customer or client. In a restaurant, or a convenience store, government office, we sometimes witness a senior person make a complaint with loud voice to a young reception person at the counter. Tokyo Metropolis recently decided to enforce Prefectural Regulations for Customer Harassment, in order to protect business and commercial people in Tokyo. Also recently Ministry of Health and Labor made a manual how to deal with customer harassment for companies to protect their employees. In this original manual, the characteristics of these claimers were supposed to be males of around 50s to 60s and in a directing position of their former working place. One important point is that all the senior people are not claimers, so the Ministry has revised the expression in order not to generate age discrimination.
I’d like all of you to discuss this current and urgent issue with agenda of discussion wishing for creating a happy community. Thank you.

(reference article)

堀 薫夫(HORI Shigeo)


2024年07月29日 20:34に投稿されたエントリーのページです。

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